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Can Moringa Help With Anxiety And Depression?

Can Moringa Help With Anxiety and Depression

70% of adults in the U.S. say they feel stress or anxiety daily and data shows that mood disorders such as depression and anxiety could be on the rise. An estimated 7.1% of U.S. adults have experienced a major depressive episode. Anxiety is even more prevalent and affects 18.1% of American adults.

If you’re experiencing an unstable mood, these statistics suggest that you’re not alone. Whether you’re experiencing concerns in this area or not, there is data that suggests you can benefit from mood support with Moringa Oleifera and other natural supplements. Moringa is packed with antioxidants and nutrients like iron and vitamins. This herb has been known to reduce stress hormones and fight inflammation. It is said to even improve memory performance and other cognitive abilities. Frankly, it has many benefits, which we believe can do wonders for your mental health and mood.

There are several schools of thought on mental health. Some people prefer to take prescription medications and others look for more natural remedies. Here, we break down how both can be helpful and discuss potential negative aspects associated with each, if any.

Medications Or Supplements for Mood?

Prescription drugs that treat depression and anxiety have been known to come with a host of side effects, from weight gain to sexual dysfunction and more. They can also be costly if you don’t have insurance or access to doctors who prescribe them. For these reasons and others, many people search for effective but natural mood stabilizers. So it’s no surprise that the herb known as St. John’s Wort became popular in the 1990s.

It was originally touted as an alternative to commonly prescribed antidepressants like Prozac. While studies do show that it’s more effective than a placebo at treating depression, it also interacts negatively with a variety of other medications, including antidepressants. This contraindication makes it a dangerous supplement to even try without your doctor’s consent. But the good news is that not all natural remedies come with a downside.

Moringa Oleifera is Known to Boost Mood

Not only does taking Moringa alone have a potentially positive effect on your mood, but it’s likely to be safe to take in combination with Prozac and other prescription antidepressants. While studies looking at the combined administration of Moringa and antidepressants are limited, the research we do have shows “promising potential” that indicates such conventional drugs can be taken with moringa.

Moringa Oleifera Can Possibly Lower Anxiety

People with depression also often experience anxiety, so a supplement that improves both is a win-win. Moringa oleifera to the rescue! There are a couple of different studies that have shown Moringa oleifera has a possible antianxiety effect. What’s especially interesting is that Moringa appears to have a variety of different mechanisms. This means it can most likely improve anxiety stemming from multiple sources.

Moringa is also known as a superfood, so there are other ways its consumption can help decrease anxiety and encourage more relaxation. For example, Moringa contains tryptophan, which is known to relax the body and help it create serotonin.

(If you really want to get the most benefit, consider a Moringa infusion that comes with other calming ingredients, like elderberry and holy basil.)

Moringa Can Possibly Help Brain Performance

The antioxidative effects of Moringa Oleifera can possibly help the brain operate at its maximum potential and also protect against cognitive decline over time. Moringa’s high iron content is yet another way to help boost your brain power since iron helps improve blood circulation, which increases the amount of oxygen available to the brain. A well-oxygenated brain is a top-performing brain!

Conversely, inflammation is the brain’s worst enemy. Chronic inflammation can contribute to mood disorders so Moringa’s anti-inflammatory properties can help assist your mental health. Moringa oleifera has even been known to reduce stress hormones. Stress hormones are rarely good for your body: high levels can negatively impact mood and cause physical health complications. Plus, excessive stress hormones like cortisol can trigger anxiety, so regulating these hormones can help stabilize emotions.

We can’t overlook the importance of basic vitamins and minerals when it comes to brain power. For example, iron deficiency can cause fatigue and impair mood along with focus, as can low levels of Vitamin D and magnesium. One serving of Moringa Vinga offers 46 antioxidants, 18 amino acids, and over 92 nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, iron, potassium, magnesium, and protein. With a lineup like that, you’re sure to feel a pep in your emotional step when you make it a regular part of your wellness routine!

Moringa is a Stress-Zapping Adaptogen

Moringa is one of several herbs known as adaptogens. These plants are excellent ways to help your body resist both mental and physical stress. They help with both short- and long-term stress and most of them, like Moringa, is perfectly safe for long periods of time.

You may wonder just how Moringa supports the body’s ability to destress. First of all, there’s a close relationship between stress and inflammation, and Moringa is a well-known anti-inflammatory. It also is known to help the body maintain balance, which enables it to combat physical and mental stressors. And, because it’s a nutritional powerhouse, Moringa can sometimes help fight fatigue and boost energy levels.

All of these things, combined with Moringa’s immune-supporting nutrients, mean that regular Moringa consumption enables the body to tackle any stressors with 100% power. For additional adaptogenic support, try a Moringa blend with other proven stress-fighters like rosemary or holy basil.

Moringa Vinga Has Something Just For You

The bottom line? Moringa oleifera is a great option for anyone looking to improve their mood or cognitive performance. Since Moringa has minimal possible side effects and is typically safe to use with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), anyone who is interested in seeing its impact for themselves should give it a try.

When you choose a delicious source like Moringa Vinga, you might find you get all sorts of health benefits while enjoying the ritual of your daily sip. Because Moringa Vinga is more than just a vessel for your morning dose of Moringa: it comes in a variety of flavors so that you can find one you love. And if you’re like us and discover that you love them all, you can choose the flavor that has the wellness profile most closely aligned with your personal goals:

  • For a total focus on mood and brain, Moringa Vinga Spearmint & Rosemary is a perfect choice. The additional herbs support memory and focus while helping to improve circulation and balance hormones. (It goes great in a Farmer’s Market Fizzy Mocktail! Impress your friends at this year’s backyard barbecue with a tray of these superstars.)


I want to try Spearmint & Rosemary


I want to try Ginger & Lemongrass

  • Need an option that does double-duty by fighting off pesky colds? Choose Moringa Vinga Lava Vinga for a warming supplement that will help you transition through the seasons.


I want to try Lava Vinga

For Extra Mood Support, Try A Moringa Blend with Elderberry & Holy Basil

Moringa is a mood-lifting superhero in its own right, but why not magnify the effects by taking a Moringa blend with other mood-supporting goodies? One such formula is Moringa Vinga’s Elderberry & Holy Basil blend.

In addition to all the great effects you get from Moringa, this apple cider vinegar-based infusion adds other calming ingredients like elderberry, holy basil, hibiscus, rosehips, and orange peel.

You might know elderberry as an immune-supporting herb, but research also suggests that elderberry actually improves mood and performance. People have used elderberries for centuries to calm down and relax naturally.

Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is another ingredient in this blend that has a proven record of fighting both anxiety and depression. Several studies have found that holy basil helps the body deal with stress. This study concludes that tulsi “may be useful in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.” Perhaps most encouraging is a study that showed improvements in stress along with sexual and sleep problems. Tulsi tea has long been prescribed in Ayurvedic tradition to help the body “adapt to both psychological and physical stress.”

Although it’s not a primary ingredient in this blend, hibiscus can certainly help to improve your mood. Studies suggest it has antidepressant properties and its benefit is maximized when paired with rose hips and ginger, which both have been known to brighten your mood on their own. Basically every ingredient in this sweet, delicious blend balances your mood regardless of whether you want relaxation or an energy boost.

I want to try Elderberry & Holy Basil


Moringa Vinga doesn’t just offer numerous mental and physical health benefits. It tastes great, too! Why wouldn’t you want to try it in sweet concoctions like this Farmer’s Market Fizzy Mocktail? You can even trade in those CBD gummies for these easy-to-make elderberry moringa gummies and get a good night’s sleep the next time you’re traveling.

Will Moringa Help With Anxiety and Depression?  With fewer side effects than traditionally prescribed mood enhancers and a sweet, fruity taste, Moringa Vinga is an obvious choice for anyone looking to achieve a more balanced mood. Sip on some today, and give your brain the break it needs.