The wonderful thing about superfoods and herbal remedies is that many of them, including Moringa, have the potential to replace prescription medications for specific conditions. Some people may be hesitant to make this transition, which is why we advise doing so after consulting your doctor. This article will cover how to initiate that conversation with your doctor and offer some tips that will make the process as safe and smooth as possible.
If you’re like us, you probably have several healthy habits and practices that are important to you. Some people may prefer natural health approaches such as Ayurveda or essential oils, while others strictly follow the instructions given to them by a traditional medical doctor. So when it comes to considering how to best address unexpected health challenges, it’s important to keep an open mind and a healthy curiosity.
An estimated one-third to one-half of currently used drugs are originally derived from plants.
In fact, aspirin, which is a form of salicylic acid – a compound that occurs naturally in willow bark, is a typical example of this. Most herbal remedies are not just part of the origin story for many of the over-the-counter or prescription drugs people use today, but they can often be a less expensive and easier to obtain option, and they generally pose fewer health risks to the body.

When it comes to healthy habits and practices, sticking with the natural solutions found in the land instead of the ones made in a lab may not always be an option. If that’s the case, something worth considering may be to blend the two. This is referred to as complementary medicine, where traditional techniques that you might get from your medical doctor work in tandem with natural options, such as herbal supplements and functional superfoods.
The first step in this transition is having a conversation with your doctor. If you are wondering where to go after that, read on:
Be honest and open with your doctor
A lot of people get anxious about going to see their doctor. Maybe you haven’t visited them in years or you’re not trusting of medical providers. No matter what type of doctor you see, it’s crucial to be upfront with them about everything. This includes how you’ve been eating, what herbal remedies you may have tried, the aches and pains you’re experiencing, and more.
People often feel reassured when they learn that many doctors, especially those with specialized training, such as osteopathic doctors (those who have D.O. after their name) and naturopathic doctors (those who have N.D. after their name), have experience in natural treatment methods. Research supports the credibility of osteopathic and naturopathic providers in treating chronic pain and a range of other health concerns. Additionally, these professionals have extensive education in alternative medicine, which allows them to take a more holistic approach to the personal and medical needs you relay to them.
Being aware of your provider’s background may help you interact with them better. This transparency not only helps build the trust and honesty that forms a good patient-provider relationship but it also prioritizes your safety. Your doctor won’t know how to best help you unless they have all the facts. This is especially true if you begin using a supplement that, for some reason, interacts negatively with your prescription medications. Just as two supplements or herbs can cause issues when taken together, the same goes for medications and herbs.
Communicate your wellness goals
In the same vein as being open and honest, you should directly tell your doctor what you are hoping to achieve by eliminating pills and replacing them with superfoods and herbal supplements. Depending on their particular experience, many of these providers may be able to advise you on the use of superfoods, diets, herbal remedies, and supplements for specific purposes. So, by mentioning what your goals are, this allows doctors to work with you to create a holistic and person-centered plan and better advise you on how to meet those goals.
If your provider is not on board with your plans, try finding another provider who is more open. Ask friends for recommendations and do online searches to find practices that have good reviews with superior experiences. If you are not successful, it doesn’t have to end there. You can still make your switch, but be sure to do your research, keep asking questions, and never give up!
Keep good health-related records
Your doctor may have already asked you to track health-related information such as:
- Exercise or physical activity
- Water intake
- Caffeine intake
- Diet
- Quantity and quality of sleep
- Stress ratings
- Pain levels
- Inflammation
Sometimes this is for the sake of managing certain health conditions, and other times it may be to track the effectiveness of medications and other treatments. Either way, if you and your doctor are working together to replace your medications with superfoods, this may be a useful tool that your doctor requests.
Whether or not you have tracked symptoms or habits like this before, it can be a good practice to get into. Many people see a noticeable difference in their energy or mood, which usually does not require any sort of tracking. But recording results can be a good way to note measurable differences (even if they’re slight to start) in other areas of their health. Seeing any level of improvement is an especially good way to gain motivation to continue your superfood journey. Some people may prefer to do this in a notebook or on a dedicated calendar, while others opt for digital recording by using an app.

These are all wonderful ways to get started with the successful and smooth transition from prescription medications to superfoods and herbal supplements. This can be anxiety-provoking, especially if you are not always comfortable disclosing things to your doctor. But this is the best option if you are truly committed to a healthier lifestyle, complete with superfoods and other evidence-based approaches.
The research is behind you no matter what your reason is for switching
Studies show that Moringa can be an excellent way to enhance sleep and reduce the need for sleeping pills. Moreover, Moringa combats mental health concerns by relieving anxiety, decreasing depressive symptoms, and improving mood. Other evidence shows that Moringa even has the potential to replace, if not supplement, prescription medications for depression and anxiety. This far-reaching superfood has also been known to address bodily inflammation that is the cause of many other health issues.

No matter where you are in your health journey, you can feel confident in the decision to add any of our infusions to your daily routine. And, when you do want to make the shift to leave pills behind for superfoods and herbs like those found in Moringa Vinga, remember to chat with your doctor!